Does Etherscan display the Creation Code or Runtime Code of a Contract?

Does Etherscan display the Creation Code or Runtime Code of a Contract?

This is gonna be a quick short post on some findings regarding how etherscan displays the bytecode of a deployed and verified smart contract.

After we deploy a contract on the ethereum blockchain, we know for a fact that the creation code(init code) is executed and it returns the runtime bytecode which is then stored on-chain.

It must be noted that only the runtime bytecode of a smart contract is stored on-chain for further execution of the smart contract.

However, here is a quick question:

When we deploy a smart contract on Ethereum and verify it on Etherscan, what exactly is the bytecode that is attached to the verified contract?

A very intuitive answer to this question is the Runtime Bytecode because that's the portion of bytecode that is stored on-chain. Therefore, its easier to assume that etherscan displays just the runtime bytecode.

Well, that does not seem to be the case.

So the question remains - the bytecode that we see on etherscan, What exactly is it?

  • Is it the entire bytecode, i.e., (Creation code + Runtime Code)?
  • Or, Is it just the Runtime code?
  • Or, Is it Runtime + Constructor arguments only?

Let's do a quick experiment to figure this out.

A Quick Experiment

We gonna deploy 2 different contracts:

  • First one without any constructor arguments, and
  • Second one with constructor arguments

First Deployment: Without Constructor Arguments

We use the following Test Contract 👇

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0

pragma solidity 0.8.17;

 * @title Test
 * @dev Sets and Gets a uint variable called Pointer
contract Test{

    uint256 public pointery;

    constructor() {
        pointery = 100;

    function setPointer(uint256 _num) public {
        pointery = _num;

     * @dev Return owner address 
     * @return address of owner
    function getPointer() external view returns (uint256) {
        return pointery;
Test Contract with no constructor args

Actual Creation Code

Creation Code

Actual Runtime Code

Runtime Bytecode

Etherscan's Bytecode After Contract Verification


Second Deployment: With Constructor Arguments

We use the following Test Contract 👇 and pass 1000 as the argument.

 *Submitted for verification at on 2023-02-15

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0

pragma solidity 0.8.17;

 * @title Test
 * @dev Sets and Gets a uint variable called Pointer
contract Test{

    uint256 public pointer;

    constructor(uint256 _num) {
        pointer = _num;

    function setPointer(uint256 _num) public {
        pointer = _num;

     * @dev Return owner address 
     * @return address of owner
    function getPointer() external view returns (uint256) {
        return pointer;
Test Contract with 1 constructor args

Actual Creation Code


Actual Runtime Code


Etherscan's Bytecode After Contract Verification



After the above deployments and bytecode comparisons of the actual bytecode and etherscan's bytecode, here are the findings that I came across:

  1. Although the Runtime code is the only part of the bytecode that is stored on-chain, etherscan doesn't display just the runtime code.
  2. Etherscan displays the entire bytecode (Init Code + Runtime Code) of the smart contract appended with the constructor arguments at the end, if they exist.
    So technically etherscan displays:
Init Code (executed during contract deployment ) + Runtime Code (part that is stored on-chain) + Constructor Arguments

An additional detail: The bytecode of smart contracts that are not verified yet on Etherscan is just the runtime bytecode.