All articles around Ethereum and its underlying Tech
Ethereum Token Standards Part-II (ERC721)
Welcome to Part 11 of the Token Standards article series. If you haven't checked the first part yet, please check it out here. ERC-721 standard was proposed for NFTs(Non-Fungible Tokens). NFT refers to the tokens that are unique, which means every token inside the smart contract, will
Token Standards in Ethereum Part-I (ERC20)
Creating and deploying your own tokens on the internet is too easy. Blockchain and Smart Contracts have made it possible. Yes, you heard that right. You can deploy your own tokens on the internet. And that too without creating a whole new blockchain like Bitcoin or Ethereum. These tokens are
Deciphering the ABCs of Blockchains
If you are here out of chaos while trying to understand the web3 and Blockchain, then don’t worry I was going through the same chaos over the internet while I was trying to understand this new famous trendy technology with some fancy terms and some jargon for the non-tech
Deciphering Defi Attacks: A step towards Securing the Future of Decentralized Finance
An in-depth guide to understanding the most incredible yet minacious Defi attacks of 2020 and the significance of Smart Contract Audits